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Bodyshop Wellness - Plano

Fairfield Inn

3415 Premier Dr, Plano

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Shot Events

We do full monthly doses of Methyl B12, Lipotropic Injections, Immuno (Glutathione, Vitamin C, Zinc), Vitamin D, Amino Blend, Biotin, CoQ10, Clarity, Calm, Performance, NAD+ and B Complex every other week at each location. The benefits of each can be found below. All events are on a walk in basis, and make sure to come with questions. We love to talk about what we offer!


This location is in session on Thursdays, every other Thursday according to the following dates.

The session is from 11:30am - 7:30pm.



























What's In The Shots?


Many people are seeking natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals with harsh side effects. By aligning with the body's natural processes, it can provide relief for chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, and more. This compound offers great potential due to its high safety profile and non-addictive nature, but for effectiveness, it must reach the endocannabinoid system, which requires absorption into the bloodstream—a process known as bioavailability.

Intramuscular injections bypass the digestive system, ensuring higher absorption and better efficacy compared to oral methods like drops or capsules. Oral ingestion often results in low bioavailability (6-19%) as digestive enzymes and liver metabolism reduce the amount that reaches the bloodstream. Injections allow for higher concentrations and faster relief.

Common Questions:

What dosage is the injection? 20MG

Can I continue taking oral or other forms? Yes, though you may not need them as often.

Any side effects? None reported.

What's in it? C B, Benzyl Alcohol, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Sesame Oil.

Allergies? Avoid if allergic to sesame seeds.

Medication interactions? Warfarin (blood thinner) may enhance its effects.


NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme vital to key physiological processes. As we age, NAD+ levels drop, leading to fatigue, but NAD+ Therapy can help restore energy by delivering it directly into the bloodstream for maximum benefits. Here’s how NAD+ Therapy can improve your health:

Supports Addiction Recovery

NAD+ aids in flushing drugs from the system, easing withdrawal symptoms, reducing cravings, and boosting natural energy levels during addiction recovery.

Enhances Cognitive Function

NAD+ Injections stimulate brain function, helping improve mental clarity, focus, and memory by promoting energy production in brain cells.

Assists Weight Management

By stimulating ATP production, NAD+ helps maintain a healthy metabolism, making it easier to manage weight in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise.

Boosts Energy

NAD+ helps convert food into usable energy, increasing stamina and reducing fatigue, making it ideal for combating jet lag or everyday exhaustion.

Improves Muscle Development and Recovery

NAD+ boosts energy for workouts and aids muscle repair, speeding up recovery times and enhancing athletic performance.

Helps with Pain Management

NAD+ reduces inflammation, a major cause of pain, providing a non-addictive alternative for managing discomfort.

Improves Mood

By increasing serotonin production, NAD+ helps regulate mood, alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Methylcobalamin, or vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, or methylcobalamin, is a vital B-vitamin found in foods like fish, meats, and dairy. It plays a crucial role in cell growth, red blood cell formation, and nerve function. While a deficiency is rare, it’s more common in the elderly, vegans, and people with malabsorption issues. Untreated B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, digestive problems, and irreversible nerve damage.

Unlike plants and animals, only bacteria and archaea can produce methylcobalamin. This makes animal products a better source of B12 compared to plant-based foods. B12 is needed for essential functions like DNA synthesis, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and maintaining healthy nerves.

Methylcobalamin vs. Cyanocobalamin

Many doctors and weight-loss clinics use cyanocobalamin, a synthetic form of B12. It’s cheaper, more stable, and easier to store, but the body absorbs less of it. The body must convert cyanocobalamin, releasing cyanide molecules in the process, which results in lower absorption rates (only 20%). Methylcobalamin, on the other hand, is natural, immediately bioavailable, and achieves up to 96% absorption, making it much more effective.

We use a 5mg dose of methylcobalamin, compared to the standard 1mg doses at most clinics. This higher dose means fewer visits and better overall results.

Why B12 Matters

While many seek B12 for energy and metabolism, it has far-reaching benefits:

Aids red blood cell formation and prevents anemia

Helps prevent birth defects

Supports bone health and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis

Lowers the risk of macular degeneration (age-related vision loss)

Improves mood and helps manage depression

Prevents neuron loss in the brain

Supports heart health by lowering homocysteine levels, which are linked to heart disease

Promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails

What to Expect

Results vary based on deficiency levels. If severely deficient, you may feel tired as your body jumpstarts its systems. Acne can also occur, signaling your immune system is back in action. These are normal reactions, and staying hydrated can help. Some may feel the benefits immediately, while others may notice them after a few days. We recommend at least three rounds of shots to allow your body to adjust. Improved mood, better sleep, and mental clarity are good signs the shots are working.

Many pair the B12 shot with a Lipo shot for added benefits, but both are effective on their own.



Isoleucine is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), along with leucine and valine. It plays a moderate role in muscle protein synthesis, stronger than valine but weaker than leucine. However, its key benefit is enhancing glucose uptake and utilization during exercise, though it does not promote glycogen synthesis. Isoleucine is essential for glucose metabolism, making it a potential aid for those with diabetes or athletes looking to optimize performance.


Leucine is another essential BCAA that supports energy production in skeletal muscles during exercise. It’s known for its ability to improve exercise performance, promote muscle growth, and aid recovery. Leucine helps increase lean body mass, boost human growth hormone (HGH) production, and improve skin and bone healing. Additionally, it assists in controlling blood sugar levels.


Valine is an essential BCAA, necessary for muscle protein synthesis and tissue repair. While it doesn't build muscle alone, when combined with leucine and isoleucine, valine plays a crucial role in muscle development. It also helps transport glucose to stressed muscles and supports brain function, improving sleep quality—a bonus for those who struggle with insomnia.


Arginine is vital for producing nitric oxide, which regulates blood flow, reduces blood pressure, supports mitochondrial function, and enhances cellular communication. Increased nitric oxide helps improve muscle oxygenation and exercise performance. Arginine has been studied for its benefits in treating conditions like erectile dysfunction, heart disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Research suggests that arginine may help reduce the risk of diabetes.


Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

GABA is a neurotransmitter that slows brain activity by blocking specific signals in the central nervous system. It's known for producing a calming effect and plays a key role in reducing nerve cell hyperactivity related to anxiety, stress, and fear.

Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium is vital for the normal function of the heart, kidneys, muscles, and other organs. It regulates blood pressure, blood glucose, and supports other nutrients like vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and zinc. Found in nuts, leafy greens, and whole grains, magnesium supports heart health and may even aid in long-term heart disease prevention. Other forms of magnesium supplements include magnesium citrate and gluconate.


Taurine plays an important role in the function of the heart and brain, aiding nerve growth and supporting cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and calming the nervous system. This makes it especially beneficial for individuals with heart failure.


L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves and certain mushrooms. It promotes a state of relaxed alertness, reducing stress and anxiety without causing drowsiness. This makes it useful for improving focus, relaxation, and sleep quality.



Arginine is an essential amino acid that aids in the production of nitric oxide, a molecule important for various bodily functions such as regulating blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and improving mitochondrial function and cellular communication. By increasing nitric oxide, arginine improves oxygen delivery to muscles, enhancing exercise performance. Research supports its use in managing conditions like preeclampsia, erectile dysfunction, heart disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Additionally, a study showed that arginine supplementation in people with impaired blood sugar regulation reduced the risk of diabetes over time.


Choline plays a critical role in brain development, memory, cognition, and overall health. Higher levels of choline are associated with better cognitive performance, particularly in older adults. Choline also supports heart health by reducing the risk of ischemic stroke, according to a study of nearly 4,000 African Americans. It aids in fat metabolism, helping to regulate body weight. Choline is essential during pregnancy for fetal brain development and may reduce the risk of preeclampsia. Studies also show choline improves lung function and reduces fatty liver symptoms in cystic fibrosis patients.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects against a variety of health issues, including atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue syndrome, liver disease, and Parkinson’s. It helps detoxify the body, supports immune function, and reduces oxidative damage. Glutathione can improve psoriasis, enhance insulin resistance, and support mobility in people with peripheral artery disease. It also reduces inflammation in autoimmune diseases and oxidative damage in children with autism. Additionally, it helps detoxify harmful substances like mercury, regenerates vitamins C and E, and supports DNA synthesis and cell health.

B Complex Overview

The B Complex vitamins are essential nutrients that play crucial roles in energy production, cellular metabolism, and overall health. Here’s a detailed look at each component of the B Complex and its benefits.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

• Boosts Energy Production: Essential for converting nutrients into energy.

• Helps Fight Depression: Supports mental health and neurological function.

• Great for Diabetes: Helps manage blood sugar levels.

• Reduces Blood Pressure and Heart Complications: Promotes cardiovascular health.

• Prevents Kidney and Circulation Problems: Supports renal function and circulation.

• Minimizes Risk for Heart Disease: Contributes to overall heart health.

• Improves Memory: Supports cognitive function and memory.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

• Metabolism of Nutrients: Breaks down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to produce energy.

• Prevents/Treats Migraines, Certain Cancers, Cataracts: Supports neurological and ocular health.

• Reduces Homocysteine Levels: Important for cardiovascular health.

• Promotes Skin, Digestive Tract, Blood Cell Health: Essential for cellular growth and function.

• Acne, Muscle Cramps, Nerve Inflammation: Helps reduce these conditions.

• DNA Protection: May protect against cancer-causing agents.

• Conversion of Other Vitamins: Converts vitamin B6 and tryptophan to their active forms.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

• Digestive Function: Supports healthy digestion.

• Skin and Nerve Health: Promotes overall skin and neurological health.

• Stress Reduction: Helps manage stress.

• Circulation Improvement: Enhances blood flow.

• Aging Effects: Slows aging processes.

• Conditions Addressed: Acne, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Cataracts, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Migraines, Motion Sickness, Osteoarthritis, PMS.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

• Energy Production: Breaks down fats and carbohydrates.

• Red Blood Cell Production: Crucial for creating blood cells.

• Sex and Stress Hormones: Supports adrenal gland function.

• Digestive Health: Maintains a healthy digestive tract.

• Anti-Stress: Known for its role in managing stress.

• Cholesterol Synthesis: Helps produce and manage cholesterol.

• Conditions Addressed: High Cholesterol, Skin Care, Wound Repair, Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

• Biochemical Processes: Metabolizes nutrients, synthesizes hemoglobin, antibodies, and neurotransmitters.

• Nutrient Processing: Vital for processing fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

• Conditions Treated: Age-related Macular Degeneration, Atherosclerosis, Cancer, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Kidney Stones, PMS, Pyridoxine-Dependent Seizures, Sideroblastic Anemia, Stroke, Tardive Dyskinesia.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

• Energy Production: Converts fats and carbohydrates into energy.

• Red Blood Cell Production: Crucial for manufacturing red blood cells.

• Sex and Stress Hormones: Supports adrenal function.

• Digestive Health: Essential for a healthy digestive system.

• Anti-Stress: Helps the body manage stress.

• Cholesterol Synthesis: Aids in the production and regulation of cholesterol.

Lipotropic injections, commonly referred to as

MIC shots (due to the Methionine, Inositol and Choline in them) are a combination of compounds that may help in reducing adipose tissue (fat). These injections include those as well as B vitamins and other compounds that stimulate fat metabolism, liver function, and energy production.

Components and Their Functions:


Fat Metabolism: Methionine helps the liver process fatty acids, playing a role in energy production and fat breakdown.

Lean Tissue Development: It may support the growth of lean muscle, which in turn increases metabolic rate.

Nervous System Activity: Methionine has been shown to increase activity in the central nervous system, further raising caloric requirements, which may contribute to fat loss.


Fat Synthesis Reduction: Inositol has been shown to decrease fatty acid synthase activity, which means less fat is created and stored in the body.

Insulin Sensitivity: It plays a role in regulating insulin sensitivity, helping to reduce insulin resistance—a condition linked with obesity.

Glucose Management: By improving the body’s response to insulin, it may help stabilize blood glucose levels, which is crucial for reducing fat accumulation.


Fat and Bile Regulation: Choline is involved in transporting fats and removing excess fats and bile from the liver, aiding in detoxification and fat metabolism.

Energy and Cognitive Function: As a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, choline enhances brain function, potentially increasing energy expenditure and improving cognition.

Carnitine Activation: Choline works closely with carnitine in fatty acid metabolism, aiding in the breakdown of fats for energy use.

Additional Components (B-Vitamins)

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Boosts the immune system and helps convert fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Supports metabolic and immune functions, working in tandem with B1.

Vitamin B6: Assists in converting food into energy and aids in red blood cell production.

Vitamin B12 (Hydroxocobalamin): Enhances energy production, metabolism, and red blood cell formation. B12 is often combined with lipotropic compounds to amplify fat-burning effects.


Fat Metabolism: Carnitine is crucial for transporting fatty acids into mitochondria, where they are burned for energy. It also helps in the removal of fat byproducts that aren't fully oxidized.

How Lipotropic Injections Work

These injections work synergistically to stimulate the liver and optimize the body's fat metabolism. By enhancing the liver’s role in fat breakdown, these compounds help mobilize fat stores and convert fat into energy. The injections are designed to elevate metabolic activity, assist in detoxification, and improve overall body composition.

Expected Results

Fat Loss Support: While the injections can help with fat metabolism, they are most effective when combined with proper diet and exercise.Metabolic Boost: By increasing the metabolic rate and improving liver function, the body may require more calories, potentially pulling from fat stores.Appetite and Mood Regulation: Inositol helps stabilize insulin and serotonin levels, which can lead to reduced sugar cravings and appetite suppression.

What to Expect

Most people may not feel immediate effects from lipotropic shots. Indicators of effectiveness include:

Deeper sleep

Increased trips to the bathroom for waste elimination

Reduced sugar cravings

Appetite suppression

Injections can typically be done bi-weekly, and many people pair them with Methylcobalamin B12 injections for enhanced benefits.

Realistic Expectations

While some users report significant weight loss, such as 40 pounds with lifestyle adjustments, it's important to set proper expectations. Lipotropic injections can aid weight loss but are not a guaranteed or standalone solution. Their effectiveness depends on several factors, including diet, exercise, and individual metabolism.

The ImmunoShot is a powerful combination of Glutathione, Vitamin C, and Zinc, designed to boost the immune system and protect against a wide array of health issues. Each of these ingredients contributes to immune support and overall well-being through various mechanisms.


Glutathione is one of the body's most important antioxidants and is involved in:

Immune System Support: Helps fight inflammation and reduces oxidative stress, making it essential for people with autoimmune conditions or chronic diseases.

Detoxification: Assists in the removal of toxins, particularly heavy metals like mercury, supporting liver function.

Cellular Protection: Reduces cell damage in conditions like fatty liver disease (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and supports healthy aging.

Chronic Disease Management: May help alleviate symptoms of diseases like Parkinson’s, diabetes, and respiratory conditions by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation.

Skin Health: Reduces oxidative damage, which may decrease the appearance of sun spots and other skin issues.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an integral role in many bodily functions, including:

Collagen Production: Vital for the formation of collagen, which supports healthy skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Antioxidant Properties: Protects against oxidative stress and regenerates other antioxidants like Vitamin E, which is important for reducing cancer risk.

Immune Defense: Enhances the immune system’s ability to fend off infections by supporting the production of white blood cells.

Cardiovascular Health: May lower cholesterol and blood pressure, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Iron Absorption: Improves the body’s ability to absorb iron, which helps prevent anemia.

Eye Health: Reduces the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.


Zinc is essential for numerous bodily functions, particularly in:

Immune System Regulation: Activates T cells, which play a central role in immune responses and fighting infections.

Wound Healing: Zinc supports skin integrity and accelerates wound healing, making it important for skin health.

Cognitive Function: Plays a role in memory and learning by regulating neuron communication.

Common Cold Relief: Zinc can shorten the duration and severity of colds by up to 40%.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Vision Protection: Zinc helps delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration and protects eye health.

Reproductive Health: Supports healthy sperm production and can improve overall fertility.

How the ImmunoShot Works

Glutathione serves as a powerful detoxifier and antioxidant, reducing inflammation and supporting a wide range of health benefits. It can protect against oxidative stress, improve liver function, and support immune health.Vitamin C boosts collagen production, supports immune function, and fights oxidative damage. It is a crucial element for maintaining cardiovascular and eye health, as well as promoting tissue repair.Zinc helps the body heal wounds, supports immune response, and plays a role in cognitive function, all while offering protection against infections.

What to Expect

General Feeling of Well-being: The ImmunoShot may not have immediate, noticeable effects, but over time you should experience an overall improvement in how you feel, with better immunity, skin health, and energy levels.Preventing Illness: If you are on the verge of catching a cold or another illness, the ImmunoShot can help stop it from progressing by bolstering immune defenses.

While results can vary depending on the individual, most people report feeling healthier and more balanced after taking the ImmunoShot, especially when used as a preventative measure during times of stress or heightened exposure to illness.

Vitamin D3 Shot

offers a variety of health benefits, primarily by regulating the absorption of essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which are crucial for bone health, and supporting immune function. Here's an in-depth look at how Vitamin D3 works and why it's important:

Key Benefits of Vitamin D3

Bone and Teeth Health: Calcium and Phosphorus Absorption: Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. This makes it especially important for preventing conditions like osteoporosis and promoting bone density as we age.

Immune System Support: Enhanced Resistance to Diseases: Vitamin D3 plays a role in activating the immune system, helping the body fend off infections and diseases. Studies suggest that adequate levels of vitamin D can reduce the likelihood of developing autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, and may improve resistance to the flu.

Heart Health: Lower Risk of Heart Disease: Research indicates that Vitamin D3 may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by regulating blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving the function of endothelial cells (which line the heart and blood vessels).

Mood Regulation and Mental Health: Reducing Depression and Anxiety: Vitamin D has been shown to regulate mood and may alleviate symptoms of depression. This is particularly relevant for individuals with conditions like fibromyalgia, where a deficiency in vitamin D is often linked to feelings of depression and anxiety.

Weight Loss Support: Appetite Suppression: Some studies suggest that vitamin D3 supplementation may help with weight loss by reducing appetite. Individuals taking vitamin D have reported better weight management compared to those on a placebo.

Reducing Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: Protective Effects on the Nervous System: Vitamin D3 has been linked to a lower risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. Higher levels of vitamin D may provide protective effects against the development of MS.

How Long Will It Take to Feel the Effects?

Mood Improvement: Some people notice an improvement in mood and a reduction in symptoms of depression or anxiety relatively quickly, particularly if they were vitamin D deficient beforehand.

Bone Strength: Over time, Vitamin D3 helps strengthen bones, but this can take months of consistent supplementation. The benefits for bone health may not be immediately felt but become noticeable in long-term resilience.

Immunity: While it won’t provide an immediate boost, vitamin D can improve immune function gradually, making you less susceptible to colds or the flu over time.

D3 vs. D2: What's the Difference?

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol): Source: Found in animal-based products, including fatty fish, liver, and egg yolks. It is also produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight.Efficiency: Vitamin D3 is more effective at raising and maintaining vitamin D levels in the blood compared to Vitamin D2.Usage: Typically preferred in supplements because it is the form that the human body naturally produces in response to sunlight and is more potent.

Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol):Source: Derived from plant sources such as mushrooms and fortified foods.Efficiency: While still beneficial, D2 is not as efficient at raising vitamin D levels and is less stable in the bloodstream compared to D3.

In summary,Vitamin D3 is the preferred form of vitamin D for supplementation due to its superior ability to raise blood levels and its natural production in the body.

CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10, is indeed a powerful supplement with a range of benefits.

Here’s a quick rundown of what it can do:

Energy Production: CoQ10 plays a crucial role in the production of ATP, the primary energy carrier in cells, which is why it’s popular among athletes and those needing an energy boost.

Cardiovascular Health: It may help lower blood pressure and improve heart health, particularly after events like heart attacks. Studies suggest it can reduce the risk of future cardiac events and help manage high blood pressure.

Brain Health: CoQ10 has neuroprotective properties that may help preserve brain structure and slow neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease. It can also reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.

Migraine Relief: There’s evidence that CoQ10 can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.Anti-Aging and Recovery: By neutralizing free radicals, CoQ10 helps combat oxidative stress, which can support anti-aging efforts and enhance recovery from physical exertion.

Fat Metabolism: CoQ10 may aid in fat burning and overall metabolic health.

Overall, CoQ10’s diverse benefits make it a popular supplement for both general health and specific conditions. If you're considering adding it to your routine, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for your needs and health goals.

Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H, is crucial for various bodily functions and health benefits.

Here’s a summary:

Metabolism Support: Biotin helps convert fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy, supporting overall metabolism and potentially aiding in weight loss.

Hair, Skin, and Nails: It’s widely recognized for its role in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. Biotin deficiency can lead to thinning hair, brittle nails, and skin issues like rashes.

Diabetes Management: There’s evidence that Biotin can help lower blood glucose levels in people with diabetes.Inflammation and Skin Health: It may reduce inflammation and improve conditions like acne and eczema.

Cognitive Function: Biotin supports cognitive function and overall nervous system health.

Deficiency Symptoms:

Thinning hair and hair loss

Rashes around the eyes, nose, mouth, and anal area


High levels of acid in blood and urine

Seizures and skin infections

Brittle nails

Nervous system disorders

Additional Notes:

Alcoholism: Can block Biotin absorption, increasing the risk of deficiency.

Pregnancy: About a third of pregnant women may have mild Biotin deficiency despite adequate intake.

Research Insight:
A 2015 study showed that women with thinning hair experienced significant hair growth and less shedding after taking a Biotin supplement for 90 days compared to those taking a placebo.

Amino Blend


Role: Key for gut health and immune function; helps build proteins and supports muscle recovery.

Benefits:Maintains gut barrier function, preventing harmful substances from crossing into the bloodstream.

Supports immune cells, including white blood cells.

Can decrease muscle soreness and improve recovery after intense exercise.

May reduce the risk of infections and shorten hospital stays post-surgery.


Role: Integral to the urea cycle, which detoxifies ammonia in the body.

Benefits:Promotes detoxification by converting ammonia into urea for excretion.

Aids in the formation of glutamic acid (neurotransmitter) and proline (collagen production).

May improve sleep quality and aid in chronic liver disease.

Popular among athletes for increasing endurance and reducing exercise fatigue.

Citrulline & Arginine


Role: Converts into arginine, which is then used to produce nitric oxide.

Benefits:Enhances athletic performance by increasing exercise capacity and reducing muscle soreness.

Used for conditions like high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and fatigue.


Role: Directly involved in producing nitric oxide, which helps with blood flow and vascular health.

Benefits:Improves blood flow and reduces blood pressure.

Enhances exercise performance and recovery.

Potentially beneficial for conditions like erectile dysfunction, preeclampsia, and type 2 diabetes.

Lysine & Carnitine


Role: Essential amino acid necessary for protein synthesis.

Benefits:Helps in collagen formation, wound healing, and muscle growth.

Assists in calcium, iron, and zinc absorption.

Useful for conditions such as cold sores, anxiety, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.

Plays a role in fat metabolism by aiding in the formation of carnitine.


Role: Facilitates the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria for energy production.

Benefits:Enhances fat metabolism and boosts energy levels.

May improve learning abilities and support cognitive health.

Beneficial for conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

These amino acids and nutrients each play significant roles in metabolism, recovery, and overall health.

Combining them can provide a range of benefits from improved athletic performance to better metabolic function and overall well-being.

General Information

Feeling the Effects:Can be immediate or take 2-4 doses to notice changes.Initial doses might make some people feel worse, which is normal and indicates a deficiency. Options to address this: Come biweekly for quicker results or at 4-week intervals for a more gradual approach.

Weight Loss:Injections are not marketed as weight loss solutions but may contribute to weight management. No guarantees are made. You still have to eat correctly and have some form of movement. These are not magic, they will not overcome bad habits by themselves.

Payment Methods:Debit, credit, HSA, FSA, Apple Pay, Android Pay and cash are accepted.

Location Choice: Conducted in hotels for controlled environments, better parking, and lower overhead costs. Similar to blood drives and health fairs, the location is safe and hygienic.

Injection Frequency: Recommended bi-weekly, but every four weeks may be sufficient for some. No risk of overdose from vitamins and amino acids in these types of frequencies.

Additional Information

Choosing the Right Shots:No toxicity concerns with proper use. Injections supplement essential nutrients often lacking in diet.

Is it safe to do them in any combinations: Yes, none of our offerings interact negatively with one another.

Post-Injection Education:

Side Effects: Commonly, a feeling of flush or mild discomfort. Serious side effects are extremely rare.

Injection Site:

Soreness: Normal; can persist for a few weeks. Use warm and cold compresses to alleviate discomfort.

Bruising: Possible but usually not severe. Inform the staff if bruising occurs.

Post-Injection Instructions:
Massage: Gently massage the injection area for 15 minutes to minimize soreness and knots.

Sulfa Sensitivity: Notify the staff to ensure a sulfa-free option is used if you have an allergy.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or need further clarification!



Individual Injections: $30 each.

NAD+ Injection: $40/$75

Vitamin D3 400,000iu: $50

3-Shot Package: $75. Any 3 shots can be part of this except NAD+, CB and the large dose D3. It does need to be 3 different injections. Cannot do multiple of the same.

No additional costs: No visit fee or taxes.

Payment Options

Accepted: Debit, credit, HSA, FSA, Apple Pay, Android Pay and cash.

Not accepted: Direct Insurance Billing(due to higher costs and complex billing). You are welcome to file for reimbursement.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!


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